Matt Murdock was the second most important character in this mega-issue. Master Izo has shown us his legacy and we are happy he invited us in. finally, why not a drunken kung fu master to brighten the day with mixed up morality. Marvel should have introduced this off-kilter warrior 35 years ago. Frank Miller(in his saner years) gave us Stick, Murdock's mentor, and now Stick has a mentor of his own and we are all the wiser. Izo, the many-hundred year old ex-leader of the Hand. It seems that writers since Miller have been unconfident to push FM's additions to the DD mythos till now(other than Electra). Even Turk gave us a glimpse of humanity in this issue. Tis a sad day that Brubaker has given us his best story and packed his bags all in one. Like Immortal Iron Fist, the subtle grasp of character and history may plummet with his departure. Michael Lark, i fear what follows, your solid composure illustrated a sordid dark gritty New York. A textured city. A balanced graceful Daredevil. I have i think 450 of these 500 issues in my possession. small treasure. Daredevil, Man without Fear, must I fearlessly collect the last 50 or so floppy format comics, from that ugly section of history known as issues 300-380. those cheap days better be over. DD 500 is a prize.
Aya's story is pretty awesome.
I love that Miller reprint but, for me, Austin's inks on Miller are just weird.
AHHHH, the red on blue is killing my retina!
Congrats on the new blog
DD 300-380 had some good covers.
I mostly say this as a fan (this was my introduction to DD), but the Kesel/Nord run on Daredevil is pretty good, a bit too fun? I suppose, but that is a part of Daredevil history, also. If still set aside in favor of Miller's legacy.
That chunk is also a nice place to see some early Cary Nord art. Not to mention Gene Colan did a nice return. It all feels out of place I think for those that were following Daredevil, but for me, it was great.
i'll be honest and say i have not read much of DD from 330-380. i have many of them and have thumbed through them and a lot of it looks pretty cool(some looks horrible). I'll get to it. Its just fun to make sweeping grand statements like "DD 300-380 suck".
Though I worry Nord may never be better than he was on Dark Horse Conan.
And Gene Colan seemed to be entering his late loosy goosy phase.
That period falls under the long span of years when i was too broke to buy comics. I'll get to that era, i just need to fill in the spaces in my collection.
I rescind my statement. Marvelous Coma endorses for Flip-Flopping!
Where you shopping these days?
every wednesday at "The Time Capsule" in Cranston. great great shop!
Think about writin' bout those Nocenti / JRJR issues with Typhoid Mary. Those are my personal faves.
I second the Nocneti/ JRJR run, that later stuff in Hell was crazy.
Time Capsule is the only shop in the state worth anything.
what about Nocenti and JRJR around issue 252, the double sized gang warfare issue. Ammo and Bad Seed. that stuff was so powerful.
Ammo & Typhoid Mary look like extras from The Warriors. it's great.
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