What points me once a month to the comic known as New Avengers? Brian Michael Bendis's supremely naturalistic dialogue? Spidermans sleek and asexual body structure as revealed through his second skin of a costume? or is it that i just like Luke Cage?
It's Cage.
Its sure as hell isn't point A because generally this comic is a joke when it comes to dialogue. Wolverine, Ms. Marvel, Captain America. All reduced to quibbling teen agers. Oh the angst of these poor anti heroes! Thank god we all buy it and pay Bendis to turn in the same script every month.
Well, except this month. Avengers 49 is a solid comic. Perhaps Bendis is actually intimidated enough by Luke Cage as to not walk all over him with synthetic banter. The story focuses on Cage making a deal with Norman Osborn to get little baby Cage back from the skrull Jasper in the wake of the Secret Invasion.
I like Billy Tan's work. He eeks some personality out of his faces. Enjoyed his short run on Uncanny X-men with Brubaker.(wonder why they disappeared off that title so quickly?) Under their hand the X-men were acting like people again, instead of characters.
There was one missed opportunity in New Avengers 49. Here is a nice sequence including a "lost page" I found in a alternate reality wigwam which depicts what should have happened.

speaking of dimensional page enigmas i found another variation of Angar the Screamer as seen in Daredevil 100. lets take a look at the OG again.

well, she actually may be older than that. she has published some comics, handprinted silkscreen cover xeroxed inards style. Back cover of "Bullshit Frank and Gorilla Joe" issue 4.

next is an interior page of "BSFAGJ #4". Joe transforms into a pony. or was he a pony all along? Zipatone?!?!!

The pony reminded me of Gary Panter and Jimbo in Paradise. One of the best books ever created. Lets look at Gary's pony, it got a little cut off at the bottom....

Jimbo would help Luke Cage get his baby back from aliens. Or perhaps offer himself up to be experimented on in exchange....

Sorry Gary, but i hope you never make it to the land of straight sticks.

I drew the "E" in there so you would not think its called PARADIS. my scanner is run by DARK REIGN
Luke Cage getting a bullet deflected off his forehead just for fun is definitely what should have happened.
I second BVS's assertion.
I mean, I "third" it.
luv teh new txt color!
yeah i had that new color shipped in from Afghanistan hidden in an opium plant.
I keep buying New Avengers also. So little happens each issue. All these guys are like Charles Dickens. They write long boring stories to keep themselves working.
"Hmmm should I write a 4 issue story or a 12 issue story?"
Sure there is good stuff going on but it takes so long to develop. I just can't wait for Norman Osborne to go totally nuts and then everything can go back to normal.
They also have to figure out a way to get rid of The Sentry permanently this time. You can't have an all powerful character that can do anything.
They should have the Sentry fight Doomsday. That would do it.
They ought to have a Warner-Disney crossover (I mean Marvel DC crossover) and have Superboy-Prime and Sentry alternately mop the universe with each other for, oh, a four to twelve issue battle sequence.
this issue about the new avengers is not bad, however with the change of the cartoonist also they lost some details in the picture.
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